Coolwood Books

The works of Jen and Michael Coolwood

08/10/2020 - Still Forked

Still unbelievably tired. Am on the waiting list for a sleep study but a decade of the Conservative Party stripping funding away from the health service combined with Covid means I have no idea when the study will actually happen. I’m still having fun on my writing course. here’s a fun titbit I learned:

When writing your synopsis (the one page plot summary you send to agents along with your sample pages), make sure the end of one paragraph has something to do with the start of the next one. So don’t go:

“[end of paragraph 1]…Sarah decides to leave Brooklyn for good due to her addiction to dog biscuits.

[start of paragraph 2] Rachel joins the PKK in defiance of her father’s wishes…”

Those sentences don’t have anything to do with each other, so it looks like they’re unrelated events. A better version might be:

“[end of paragraph 1]…Sarah decides to leave Brooklyn for good due to her addiction to dog biscuits.

[start of paragraph 2] Sarah’s addiction to dog biscuits focuses Rachel on what she wants from life, so she joins the PKK in defiance of her father’s wishes…”